17.07.2021, 11:11 59

Presentation Letter

On the cover of our 26th issue, we focus on sustainable finance, which has gained importance recently, and on the role of participation finance sector

Dear readers,

We present you the 26th issue of Katılım Finans, which includes extensive studies following the developments in the
finance world.

I would like to introduce you the content/theme of this issue. Our cover theme includes a study on sustainable finance models whose importance is increasing, especially during the pandemic. In the related section, Rector of Sabahattin Zaim University, Professor Dr. Mehmet Bulut, refers to the issue in
his article titled “Re-thinking Sustainable Finance”. The subject is further emphasised in the articles written by our member participation banks’ CEOs.

This issue hold valuable contributions by TKBB Advisory Board Member Prof. Dr. Ahmet YAMAN, Kuveyt Türk Participation Bank Investor Relations Manager Gökhan Göçmen, CEO of Asset Management Companies Association Sezin Ünlüdoğan, Chairman of the Audit Board of Vakıf Participation Ersin Çatalbaş.

In our country panorama section, where we introduce countries that make significant contributions to both local and international Islamic Finance industries through numerous participation in finance activities, we hosted Pakistan. In this section we present our evaluations on various aspects, from the topics of Turkiye and Pakistan relations to how Pakistan developed in Islamic finance, by using an expert point of view.

We would like to present our gratitude to all the contributors for their valuable information and perspectives, as well as you readers. We would like to take this opportunity to wish Turkey and the entire Islamic world a happy Eid.

We hope to see you in our future issues.

We wish you an enjoyable read. 

International Relations Manager at TKBB Fatma Çınar

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