Islamic Social Finance Report 2020

Financial Reports 05.04.2021, 17:04
Islamic Social Finance Report 2020

The Islamic Social Finance Report (ISFR) 2020 focuses on the potential of Islamic social finance tools in reducing poverty levels and achieving other Sustainable Development Goals in the Maghreb Region. 

This report is a result of IRTI’s multi-year flagship initiative to address the knowledge and information gap pertaining to the zakah, awqaf and other not-for-profit sectors in member countries of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). ISFR 2020 is the fourth in the series of ISFRs published by IRTI. The first report focused on the South and South-East Asia region, the second report on sub-Saharan African region, and the third on Central Asia, Balkans and the Russian Federation.

For the report: Islamic Social Finance Report (ISFR) 2020

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