Octopus Received USD 750 Thousand of Investment Under the Leadership of APY Ventures

Analyzing the people looking at the screen via the AI module it developed for the retail industry and then showing the content created with the support of artificial intelligence to the person, Octopus distinguished itself from its competitors and received an investment of USD 750 thousand under the leadership of APY Ventures.

Regional Economy 29.07.2022, 10:23
Octopus Received USD 750 Thousand of Investment Under the Leadership of APY Ventures

Emre Yıldız, the founder of Octopus, which maintains its activities on a global scale after moving its head office to London, said, "Our motivation after the first investment round was to make the product find a place in the global market. We believe that thanks to the Kiğılı group from whom we received investment in the first round we were able to make the product fit the market very quickly. We are able to express ourselves comfortably in the global programs and fairs we participate in and we get responses accordingly. As a Turkish entrepreneur, this is truly pleasing. Following the investment, we want to develop rapidly both team and product-wise and to increase the number of our global customers. Through our activities in AI, ADS, and NFT, we distinguish ourselves from all our competitors and act in a more confident manner."

Support Message from Albaraka

Emin Özer, General Manager of Albaraka Portföy, shared his thoughts regarding the investment: "As APY Ventures, we closely follow the initiatives that produce innovative solutions and put technology at their centre. The need for personalized solutions in the advertising industry, which can be described as conventional, and the accompanying technological developments are also a reason for excitement for us. We are sincerely happy to lead the investment journey of Octopus, which makes a difference in the market through its various technological activities, with Bilişim Vadisi VCF and to contribute to its journey that will extend to the global arena."

"Octopus also makes a difference in the industry through the use of artificial intelligence, ad network management and NFT solutions"

Yakup Sezer, CEO of Aktif Ventures, shared his thoughts as follows: "In addition to being challenging due to the pandemic, 2020 and 2021 have turned into a phenomenon that accelerates digital transformation and radically changes business models in all sectors. This change has put many user-friendly applications combining different technologies together with digitalized business models and responding quickly to the needs of consumers and institutions at the centre of our lives. Depending on the changing needs, we believe that through the application solutions from numerous channels, the users are both exposed to more screens and the time they spend in front of the screen has been increasing and keep doing so.

Octopus enables brands to present their products and services in the most efficient way through these screens via the software solutions it has developed at this point, as it makes difference in the sector through the use of artificial intelligence, ad network management, and NFT solutions. We believe that Octopus, which has set its goal to grow abroad as well, will accelerate its growth through the investment round, and we are sincerely glad to be a supporter of this success story via our Mindvest Fund."

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